Tuesday, 22 November 2011

I don´t know Portuguese computer, what should my "Titulo" be?

Hello from Lisbon!

I´ve been traveling for 24 hours, and I´m sort of tired but sort of not...
I flew first to London, sitting beside a Macedonian couple that spoke little English. But, I did hear the husband say "Alcohol. Drunk" when the beverages came around, so he clearly knew what his priorities were. I then spent 9 hours in Heathrow waiting for my connection. This just in, Vicki doesn´t really like Heathrow, it´s kind of busy and cold. Luckily I spent half the time napping uncomfortably in a small terminal area. The flight to Lisbon was short and I forgot to specify gluten-free during my online check-in, so I snacked on these awesome crispy snacks I picked up in the airport. I was very happy that my bag arrived, but when I clipped my carry-on to it, it became a little heavy and super awkward trying to get on and off the bus. The bus journey was very successful though! I met a nice local man who I made teach me the names of the streets I needed to know. I was definitely saying everything wrong :)

With some luck I found my hostel and got settled in, the front desk people seem nice. There´s one other sleeping person in my room so far, I can´t tell if he´ll be nice or not. I´m hoping that the panicky feeling will go away tomorrow morning when I set out again and can actually see the street signs. I´m planning to just wander tomorrow, but we´ll see :)

Later days, friends!
P.S. I sure am glad I set up this blog before I left because everything is written in Portuguese on this computer!

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